Author Archives: Trish

Yarrawonga Enthrone K416 (P)

Enthrone (P) was purchased for $37,500 in 2015 Yarrawonga Sale. We were attracted to him due to his safe genetics and that his Sire Waco Youthful (PS) who was producing outstanding progeny. Enthrone was purchased for his weight for age, length and width, scrotal size, dark coat and
perfect sheath along with his docile nature. These are his first sale bulls this year and he will be represented with four classified sons in this year’s sales team. They are very similar style of bull to their sire when he was purchased.

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Benelkay Santas 2024 Bull Sale


Benelkay Santas 13th Annual Bull sale

Commercial support as usual underpinned the sale day at Benelkay this year. The stud offered sons from five new sires, it was the tried and tested old sires and proven Benelkay genetics that delivered the goods.

The top priced bull came in at Lot 10, Benelkay Tungsten T124 (PP), and was purchased by Ken and Alex Sorenson, Landsborough Santa Gertrudis stud, Teviot Station, Winton QLD, for $21,000.

Sired by Benelkay Newman N330 (PP), the 23-month-old homozygous polled sire was packed with performance. He recorded the largest (EMA) at 147cm, was one of the heaviest bulls in the draft weighing 900 kilograms, with a daily average weight gain of 1.26kg, a scrotal measurement of 41 centimetres and a 91% semen morphology result. His raw data matched his EBVs with his breeding value (EBV) of +3.3, placing him in the top 20pc and his 600-day weight and mature cow weight figures of +31 and +44, respectively, placing in the top 10%

The Queensland operation purchased another four bulls to average $10,800. Purchaser Alex Sorensen said their operation consisted of a 1400 head self-replacing commercial herd, alongside a line of 200 stud cows, selling herd sires out of the paddock. The steer portion was turned off into feedlots at around 400kgs. “These Benelkay Bulls, they were a nice even line of bulls, good conformation with a bit of frame about them,” she said. “Temperament is a really big thing for us, that’s our main thing we look for” when we inspected them, we were very impressed with how they presented.

The second-top-price bull was Lot 20, Benelkay Transformer T110 (PP), purchased by Ian Pine, Illalinga, Emerald Hill, for $17,000. The 23-month-old homozygous polled bull, weighed 732kg, and was sired by Burramurra Boss 152 (PP).

He recorded a daily average weight gain of 1.13kg, while scanning a fat measurement of 16 millimetres on his P8 and 11mm on the rib with an IMF of 6.4.

His mature cow weight and rib fat EBVs were in the top 25pc with +50 and +1.3, respectively, He also ranked in the top 10pc for rump fat with a figure of +1.4.

The third top-priced bull who drew a lot of attention from buyers was lot 6, Benelkay Turbo T270 (P). An outstanding Bullamakinka Remington son, who carried strong phonotype, exceptional length and depth. He was purchased by Hood Partnership for $16,000. Les has been purchasing Benelkay bulls for over twenty years, with great results and decided he was going home with Turbo. “One thing we like about the Benelkay Bulls is their fantastic temperaments and the doing ability, they under pin our commercial operation perfectly.”

Other volume buyers included Old Bundilla Pastoral Company, Warren, who purchased three bulls to average $6666, while Calonbah Santa Gertrudis stud, Tottenham, purchased two bulls to average $8500.

Overall, the 31 bulls averaged $9,450. With a further 4 being sold later in the paddock.

Benelkay stud principal Andrew Orman said “It was pleasing to see the stud’s local clients purchasing the top end of the bulls, without our local support we would struggle to operate, but they support us year after year, and we are so grateful for their loyalty. It’s also fantastic to get some good bulls up to Winton with Landsborough, we have sold bulls up into Northern QLD before with strong results on how they have performed, so feel Ken and Alex will do well with them.”

“We felt there was a stronger demand for clients chasing bulls with strong constitutions, the ability to lay down fat with high IMFs being a high priority to many buyers. This also in conjunction with, a dark coated, slick skinned, homozygous polled Bulls package. Sires like this are producing the ideal progeny that will grade MSA for these producers” he said.

The sale was conducted by Elders Gunnedah with Lincoln McKinlay as auctioneer. AuctionsPlus provided the online interface.

Wightfields ZinZan F69 (PS)

Wightfields ZinZan

Purchased for his all round performance, that is backed up by his EBV’S that are in the top 1% for all growth traits, EMA and both dollar indexes, he also displays a great top line, hindquarter, fine tropical coat type and was a stand out Poll Sire in the 2011 year drop. A contributing factor for his purchase was that his breeding is from a line of cattle that has consistently produced above average cattle and have sold very well for many breeders. He was purchased for $35,000 and was the top priced bull at the 2011 Wandoan Sale. At 23 month old, Zin Zan F69, weighed 894kgs, ave daily weight gain of 1.22kg’s, scrotal of 38.5 cm’s, P8 10 and Rib 6, EMA was 135, IMF was 2.9 with a solid morphology test. We unfortunately lost F69 (PS) in his first season due to a
broken leg. Sons have sold well at auction with a top of $8,000 in 2014 for Benelkay Hendrix (P) to Mr Bill Redden Purlewaugh.

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Bullamakinka Dreamtime D62 (P)

Bullamakinka Dreamtime D62 (P)

Was purchased for the top price of $20,000 at the 2009 Wandoan Sale. At 21 months he weighed 932 kg’s and had an EMA of 132 cm’s, scrotal of 42 cm’s and sired by Swan Hill Morley. We
purchased him as a sire, for his out cross genetics, his extreme growth and weight for age. He has crossed extremely well with the First Class (P) cows and his progeny are large framed, well
muscled, quite natured with plenty of breed character. His sons have averaged $9,500 in 2012, with a top of $26,000 for Benelkay Futurama (P), sold to Ian and Louise MacCue “Tookey Creek” stud. Top price bull of the 2013 sale, $18,000 for Benelkay Genset (P) and $10,000 for Benelkay Grunt (P), both going to Hardigreen Park Stud.

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Dangarfield Young Gun ET AI Y264 (P)

Young Gun was purchased at the 2016 Dangarfield on property bull sale as a 21month old bull, weighing 800kg’s with a DWG of 1.20kgs, 41cm Scrotal and an EMA of 121. Young Gun is a very thick set bull carrying good length and width throughout his carcase, a fantastically naturally quiet temperament that he has passed on to his progeny has been a pleasing aspect. His sire Valliant (P) was purchased by Yugilbar for $26,000 his grand sire is Dangarfield Quarterback (P) one of the most influential sires in the Dangarfield herd and his dam has been used as an ET cow producing eleven calves. Young Gun is producing progeny with that extra bit of doing ability which we would expect by his pedigree. His sons make ideal heifer bulls, producing small calves, that have finishing ability.

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Wave Hill Dapto (P) D564

Dapto was purchased late in the catalogue at the 2010 Santa Central Sale for $23,000. Dapto weighed 885kgs at 26 months, EMA of 124, and a scrotal of 41cms. Over all a very correct bull with plenty of growth, a perfect sheath, and a tropical skin type, with safe genetics to back him up. Dapto (P) has proven to be a more maternal sire producing many outstanding females, he has proven to be an exceptional worker in the paddock. His females are outstandingly fertile, developing into good solid breeders. They carry very high tropical content, early sexual maturity and have crossed very well with the majority of our blood lines. Twenty sons have sold at auction for an average of $5,100 with a top of $8,500 in 2016 selling to James Wippel “Romean”.

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Benelkay Lexus 1524 (P)(PP)

Lexus has been tested a Homozygous (PP) sire, making him a valuable bull in our
breeding program. A stand out son of the leading sire, SuJo First Class (P), out of one of our top stud cows, who has a perfect classification result.  He is a very structurally correct bull that covers a lot of ground. Kept for his breeding and his dark Santa Gertrudis coat type, weight for age, and very balanced EBV’S, we considered him one of the better son’s that First Class (P) has produced.

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Sujo First Class 366 (AI) (P)

Purchased in 2006 as a must have sire for $32,000, he has developed into one of the breeds leading sires. He has had a huge impact within our stud with 41 sons sold at auction for an
average of $7,550. His sons have topped the sales every year they have been offered. 2009 Kluger (P) sold to G.A Greenup & Co “Rosevale” Stud for $17,500.  2010 Lifeline (P) sold to G.A Greenup & Co “Rosevale” Stud for $26,000.  2011 Eragon (P) sold to Morton and Frances Rolf, “Hardigreen Park” Stud, for $32,000.  2012 Firestone (P) sold to Rick and Alice Greenup, “Greenup/ Eidsvold Station”  Studs, Cardowan for $34,000. His females are breeding at a very high level, and are crossing well with Bullamakinka Dreamtime (P), producing Futurama (P) selling to “Tookey Creek” Stud for $26,000, a Dreamtime/First Class cross. First Class (P) is a Trait Leader in Breedplan for 200, 400, 600 Day Growth, Carcase Weight, Rib, Rump Fat EBV’S.

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