Author Archives: Jules Orman

Nioa Quartermaster Q34 (P)

Quartermaster was purchased at the 2020 Nioa on Property Bull Sale. We were impressed with this bull’s style and his genetics. Being an (AI) son of the prolific sire Rosevale Jackeroo and out of a Glen Oaks show heifer. His BreedPlan figures for Rib and Rump fat were strongly positive which was also a contributing factor. He is breeding cattle with strong phenotype and is throwing on his ability to lay down condition, we are happy with his overall contribution to the stud.

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Strathmore Ripper R280(PS)

Ripper was purchased in the 2020 Strathmore on Property Bull Sale at Blackall for $40,000. We were attracted to him for his out cross genetics overall thickness, quiet disposition and Sire appeal. He had large EMA and IMF figures that we were also attracted to as well as a strong morphology result. As he was purchased late in the joining season there is only a few of his young sons in this sale team and we will see more of them as the years progress.

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Bullamakinka Remington R294 (P)

Remington was purchased at the 2020 Santa Central sale as a lead bull. We were attracted to him for his strong thickness width over the top line, length and his dark red coat type. His temperament is impeccable and is a pleasure to work with as are his progeny. He was caring strong EMA and IMF what we were after as well as good scrotal size. We are happy with the quality and evenest of his first two drops of calves and believe we will see a lot of his sons in the years to come.

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Benelkay Newman N330 (PP)

Newman at 20 months

Kept for two joining seasons before being sold locally he was used over a select number of cows with outstanding results. Very dark in colour with a fine skin type, exceptional muscling and the bonus he was a homozygous Poll (PP), we felt we could breed some very attractive cattle out of him. Newman has not let us down as can been seen in the bulls on offer within this sale team. Strong carcase attributes that would suite both stud and commercial producers.

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Yarrabee Inforce 1459 (P)

Purchased as the top priced bull at the Yarrabee 2020 Annual Sale at Emerald. He has developed into a Sire with plenty of volume, scale and thickness. When purchased at twenty – four months he weighed 900kgs, DWG 1.17, 150 EMA, Scrotal of 41cms. He is a very active bull siring plenty of calves in a short period of time. Inforce is a strong powerful sire with a lot to offer. He has been breeding consistently, both male and female progeny, his stock carry great carcase consistency and it will be exciting to see what his heifers will bring to the stud in the future years.

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Yarrawonga Quicksilver Q680 (PP)

Purchased at the Yarrawonga Waco Annual Bull Sale in 2020. At twenty months he weighed 784kgs, 40cm scrotal, 1.18 DWG, EMA 128, Rib and Rump fats of 12 and 9, as a bonus he was a homozygous Poll (PP). He has developed into a big strong sire with plenty of length and scale. We were attracted to his sire Restdown 378 (P) when Yarrawonga purchased him and thought we would purchase one of his sons. He is breeding very dark coated stock with strong breed type, there is a strong representation of his sons on offer this year.

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Drensmaine Gardener G154 (PS)

Drensmaine Gardener G154 (PS), was purchased at the 2020 Barcoo Santa Gertrudis Bull Sale at Blackall. Purchased for his out cross genetics and high Fat rib/rump figures. A strong dark poll with above average thickness we felt he would suit our breeding objectives well. Gardener has produced lovely females with plenty of breed type and softness and has shown he is more of a maternal style of sire in his progeny. There is a small number of his sons in the sale team this year as we unfortunately lost him early into his first joining due to a bull fight. We feel they are similar styles of bull to their sire and could be used with confidence over heifers as they were very small calves when they were born.

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Benelkay Mohican M034 (P)(PP)

Homozygous poll Mohican was what we considered one of the best bulls we had produced to date and so the decision was to keep him. A son of Benelkay Gyral (P) and out of a Warenda Furlong (P) cow Benelkay J123 (PP). As bad luck has it, we lost him in the drought and sold most of the cows he was joined to. But he has sired two outstanding sons in the sale team and produced eight outstanding females. Top 5% for all Growth EBV figures. We think a lot his bloodline.

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Yarrawonga M134 (PS)

Purchased at lot 4 for $38,000 in the 2017 Yarrawonga Waco Annual Bull Sale. M134 (PS) a son of Waco Zeus, at 25 months he weighed 900kgs, DWG 1.20, EMA 121, 40 cm scrotal and had a 93% morphology. Purchased for his Santa Gertrudis phenotype, thickness, depth, heavy bone, and quiet disposition. M134 is proving to be our go to sire, he has exceptional fertility siring over eighty calves in a single season. Placing him as the top sire for progeny recorded in one season within the Santa Gertrudis Breed. He has developed into a mountain of a bull and is breeding exceptional progeny both male and female, with his classification rate of his progeny being well over 90%. He is producing what we are aiming for with his consistency of breeding quality, strong poll cattle that carry all the attributes producers are looking for in, Santa Gertrudis cattle. Top priced son to date is Benelkay Renovator R014 (PP) who sold for $50,000 to Ben and Amanda Adams Dangarfield Santa Gertrudis Stud in 2022. In the 2022 sale his twenty-one sons sold to average $15,500 with eleven of these selling into studs.

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Benelkay Landholder L066 (P)

Landholder (P) was injured before the 2017 sale so was not presented. After recovery he was joined to heifers with pleasing results. An eye catching Warenda Furlong son, big growthy dark coated bull with strong carcase attributes. At 28 months he weighed 950 kgs, 1.13 DWG, Morphology 90%, Scrotal 40cm,125 EMA, and 6.0 IMF. Unfortunately he was fatally injured later in the season.

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Benelkay Lucky L114 (PS)

Lucky carries strong Santa Gertrudis phenotype, naturally placid temperament, exceptional length, volume of carcase with strong width over his top line and good neck extension. At 25 months he weighed 946kg’s, 1.26 DWG, Morphology of 83%, Scrotal 39cms, 127 EMA and 5.5 IMF. We kept this bull as we felt he was the best bull in the 2015 drop and had explosive weight gain and growth for age. His dam 1861 (P), a cow that goes back to Benelkay Hardi (P) (selling for $30,000 in 2006 to Dangarfield Stud). He has not let us down breeding consistently well, producing dark red quiet progeny with length. His top priced son in 2020 was Benelkay Pearl (PP) selling for $11,000 to Grassbrook Pastoral.

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Our line of Steers on the oats getting closer for sale. Elders @benelkaysantas #studcattle #beefcattle #santasteers

Our line of Steers on the oats getting closer for sale. Elders Benelkay Santas - Santa Gertrudis Stud Cattle #studcattle #beefcattle #santasteers ... See MoreSee Less

1 week ago

Our top 5 lots going through the ring last Thursday. Thank you once again to our supporters. Elders Elders Stud Stock AuctionsPlus Santa Gertrudis Australia ... See MoreSee Less

3 weeks ago

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Hope the sale went well😊😊


Thank you to everyone who came and supported our 13th Annual Bull Sale yesterday. Clients, Agents, family and friends. We value your support and confidence in our Stud Cattle program. Elders Elders Stud Stock @studstocksales @ljm_elders_stud_stockImage attachmentImage attachment+5Image attachment

Thank you to everyone who came and supported our 13th Annual Bull Sale yesterday. Clients, Agents, family and friends. We value your support and confidence in our Stud Cattle program. Elders Elders Stud Stock @studstocksales @ljm_elders_stud_stock ... See MoreSee Less

3 weeks ago

Today’s top price sire from the Benelkay Santas - Santa Gertrudis sale near Mullaley, NSW will be travelling to north west Queensland.

Ken & Alex Sorensen, principals of Landsborough Santa Gertrudis stud, Teviot Station, Winton, paid $21,000 for Benelkay Tungsten, a homozygous poll son of Benelkay Newman out of a Benelkay cow.

The Sorensens are new buyers of Benelkay genetics, offered by studmasters Andrew & Jules Orman and their daughter Georgie, pictured with Elders auctioneer Lincoln McKinlay and Longreach based TopX agent Dean Fogarty who was bidding on behalf of his Winton clients.

The average paid for 20 lots sold under the hammer was $9450.

Image: Russell Smyth.
#santagertrudis #beef #studsales #livestock
TopX Longreach Elders Elders Stud Stock The Land
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3 weeks ago

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Congratulations, you have beautiful bulls with excellent Genetics !

Congratulations Andrew and Jules on a splendid sale result today. Your superb cattle sell themselves.

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Lot 4 Benelkay Taylor Made T026 (PS)
Sire: Yarrawonga Quicksilver Q680 (PP) @auctionsplus @elders_gunnedah @studstocksales @ljm_elders_stud_stock #beefcattle
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3 weeks ago

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AuctionsPlus Elders Elders Stud Stock Santa Gertrudis Australia


Paint branding the bulls this afternoon as it draws closer to the big day 🔥

See you Thursday 1pm
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3 weeks ago

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Nice Deano

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Burramurra Boss 152 (P)(PP)

Boss a Homozygous poll was purchased as a led bull at the 2016 Santa Central Sale for $17,000. Weighing 891kgs at 22months with a DWG of 1.30kg, Scrotal of 40cm and an EMA of 122. After watching him win his class at the Ekka we thought we would purchase him for his out cross genetics, growth, tropical dark skin type and quiet temperament. Boss has grown into an eye appealing sire, great thickness, and good depth with plenty of scale. He has thrown progeny with strong breed character, and we are seeing strong results through his females in the breeding program. Boss produces exceptional females with scale and breed phenotype. We are pleased with both his male and female progeny. Top priced son to date is Benelkay Quartermaster Q012 (P) selling to Jock Cunningham “Hallcraig Santas” for $30,000 in 2021. Benelkay Newman (PP) has also been kept as a sire with sons in this year’s sale. Boss is a sire that throws consistency in his progeny producing scale, thickness and heavy bone progeny with dark red coat colour that is hard to purchase. It is pleasing to see his sons making an impact in the studs they have been sold into.

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Benelkay Hot Shot H074 (P) (PP)

poll santa bull santa gertrudis bulls

We retained this Sire from our 2012 H drop bulls. Backed up by his EBV’s trait leader for 400,600 Day Growth, Carcase Weight and EMA. Being Homozygous poll with a morphology of 96% as a two-year-old, we felt we could not sell a bull of his calibre. He carries strong Sire appeal and breed phenotype, a soft dark tropical skin / hair type, with length, depth and strong bone. Hot Shot comes from a strong female line within our cow herd that have breed consistently above average cattle going back at least six generations. Benelkay Lucky (PS) has been kept as a sire and his son Benelkay Noteworthy (P) sold for $16,000 in 2019 to David and Annie Beare, Rangelands SGS.

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Benelkay Halfback H076 (P) (PP)

poll santa bull santa gertrudis bull

Halfback was retained to be used in the stud as he is a Homozygous Poll (PP), with strong breed character, carrying a dark fine skin / hair type, that we are trying to increase through our herd. He has an outstanding doing ability, is a very thick set heavily muscled Sire that retains softness. He displays strong commercial carcase attributes that again is displayed in his strong EBVs, being in the top 5% for his 200,400,600 Day Growth and Mature Cow figures.His Juggler (P) Dam 512 (P), pedigree goes back to Elgin Downs A25 and she has had ten consecutive calves in a row, through some very trying seasons. So fertility was also a consideration for his use. His progeny have been very pleasing with a good number of bulls being represented in our sales.

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Benelkay Gyral G152 (P)

santa gertrudis bulls santa bulls poll santa bulls

Gyral (P) was retained for use in the stud to keep the Bullamakinka Dreamtime (P) bloodline developing throughout the cow herd. He is a later maturing style of bull and has developed into a massive mature bull, being a similar style of bull to Dreamtime only bigger. From a strong female line, with his grand dam breeding eleven calves and one other sire we used successfully in the stud, Benelkay Lynx (P). We kept two sons as sires in 2018, Benelkay Mohican (P) and Benelkay Missouri (PS). Gyral (P) throws consistent cattle with scale, breed type and style.

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Macaire Hallmark H37 (P)

MaClaire Hallmark H37 (P).

Hallmark H37 (P), was purchased at the 2015 Santa Central Sale as a very young led bull. He was selected for his eye appeal, perfect quiet temperament, deep dark red skin type and he was an out cross from any breeding that is within our herd. He carries a lot of Big Sir bloodlines; these lines carry strong poll breeding and have bred well over the years for many studs.

He has developed into a quality sire, he is heavy boned, moderately framed and well muscled. He is throwing consistently quiet, dark skinned quality sons and daughters. He seems to be crossing well with the majority of our blood lines, and breeding above himself.

His first sons sold in 2017 and averaged $9,000 with a top price of $10,000 selling to G & G Farming. Overall we have sold seventeen sons to average $6,650.

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Sale Highlights

2023 Benelkay Sale: 32 bulls sold to an average of 7,000 with a top of $14,000 for lot 14 Benelkay Salvador S146 (PP) to Walmona Stud NSW, the second top price was for Lot 3 Benelkay Shotlist S006 (PP) for $10,000 to Strathmore Stud Blackall Qld.

Benelkay Renovator R014 (PP)

2022 Benelkay Sale: 37 bulls were sold to average $14,471 with a top of $50,000, for Lot 3 Benelkay Renovator R014 (PP) to Dangarfield Santa Gertrudis Stud Taroom Qld, the second top price was for Lot 7 Benelkay Roundup R004 for $38,000 to Valencia Santa Gertrudis Stud Capella Qld and six stud females sold to $8500 twice, and averaged $7000.

Benelkay Quartermaster Q012 (P)

2021 Benelkay Sale: 38 Bulls sold to average $10,211 Top Price was Lot 3, Benelkay Quartermaster Q012 (P) selling for $30,000 to Hallcraig Santa Gertrudis Stud Deepwater NSW. Second top price Lot 7 Benelkay Quechua Q170 (PP) sold for $21,000 to Nioa Pastoral Santa Gertrudis Stud Allora Qld.

Benelkay Preformer P090 (P)

2020 Benelkay Sale: 31 Bulls sold to average $5,750 with a top of $12,000 for Lot 19, the 21 month old Benelkay Preformer P090 (P) to Widden Stud Denman. Second top price $11,000 was for Lot 29 Benelkay Producer P148 (P) (PP) (20 months) to Georgia Kirkby Bellata and $11,000 for Lot 14 Benelkay Pink Floyd P050 also selling to Widden Stud Denman.

Benelkay Noteworthy N092 (P)

 2019 Benelkay Sale: 26 bulls sold for a top of $16,000 with an average of $5,625. The top price bull for the day was lot 5 Benelkay Noteworthy N092 (P) selling to David and Annie Beare, Rangelands Santa Gertrudis Stud Goondiwindi. The second top price $10,000 for lot 3 Benelkay Navada N234 (P) (PP) who sold to D & A.D. Bassingthwaighte & Company Yarrawonga Santa Gertrudis Stud Wallumbilla.

Benelkay Meatloaf M066 (P)

2018 Benelkay Sale: 33 bulls sold for a top of $9,000 with an average of $5,064. The top price for the day came in lot 9, Benelkay Meatloaf M066 (P), selling for $9,000 to John and Robyn Donoghue, Donoghue Farms Quirindi.  Second top price came for lots 18, Benelkay Mammoth M144 (P) and lot 26, Benelkay Montego M104 (P) both making $8,000 each and both selling to Glenayr Pastoral, Bingara.

Benelkay Lonewolf L032 (P)

2017  Benelkay Sale: 34, Bulls sold to a top of $12,000 with an average of $5,500. Top price was for Benelkay Lonewolf L032 (P) who sold to The Walker family “Strathmore Santa Gertrudis Stud”, Blackall Queensland. Second top price of $10,000 was reached three times for Benelkay Legacy L122 (PS) and Benelkay Lone Star L050 (P) who sold to “Widden Stud” Denman along with Benelkay Leader L186 (PS) who sold to G and G Farming Gunnedah.

Benelkay Kalahari K120

 2016  Benelkay Sale: 44, Bulls sold to a top of $18,000 with an average of $7,375. Top price of $18,000 was for Benelkay Kalahari who sold to Andrew and Angela Doering of Spring “Creek Stud” Crooble NSW. Second top price was Benelkay Kruzer (P) making $17,000 and going to Nugget Carter and family of “Barrimba Stud” Nyngan NSW.

polled santa gertrudis cattle
Benelkay Jaw Dropper J142 (P)

2015 Benelkay Sale: 39, Bulls averaged $7,384, with a top of $16,000 for Benelkay Jaw Dropper (P) selling to Chris & Elisa Fox “Cooinda Stud” Proston Qld, our second top price was Benelkay Judge (P) selling for $14,000 to Ben & Amanda Adams “Dangarfield Stud” Taroom Qld, third top price of $13,000 was Benelkay Jumbo Jim (P) to Baillieu and Sarah Myer’s “Yulgilbar Stud” Baryulgil NSW.

Benelkay Hendrix H100 (P)

2014 Benelkay/Fishington Sale: 21 Bulls sold for an average of $3,714 with a top of $8,000 for Benelkay Hendrix (P) to Bill Redden Purlewaugh, second top price was $5,000 twice for Benelkay Hercules (P) to Shaun & Jo McGuigan “Cree Santa Stud” Thangool Qld and Benelkay Hillbilly (P) to Peter & Mandy Lintern “Seymorevale Santa Stud” S.A.

Benelkay Genset G186 (P)

2013 Benelkay/Fishington Sale: 26 Bulls sold to a healthy average of $5,813.  Top price of $18,000 was paid by Morton and Francess Rolfe’s “Hardigreen Park “Stud, Wallabadah for, Benelkay Genset (P).  Second top price was $12,000 for Benelkay Gunsynd (P) purchased by Shaun & Jo McGuigan “Cree Santa Stud” Thangool Qld.

polled santa gertrudis cattle
Benelkay Firestone F31 (PP)

2012 Inaugural Benelkay/Fishington Sale: 28 Bulls averaged $6,321, with a top of $34,000 for Benelkay Firestone (P) to Rick and Alice Greenup’s “Greenup/Eidsvold Station Studs” Cardowan/Eidsvold Qld and a second top price of $26,000 for Benelkay Futurama (P) to the MacCue family “Tookey Creek/Jarah Park” Studs Bellata NSW.

Benelkay Eragone E98 (P)

2011 Watasanta Sale: Benelkay topping this sale for the third year in a row, where 21 Bulls
averaged $6595.24, with a top of $32,000 for Benelkay Eragon (P) selling to Moreton and Frances Rolfe’s “Hardigreen Park” Stud Tamworth NSW and a second top of $16,000 for Benelkay Entertainer (P) to Jock Cunningham’s “Hallcraig Santa’s” Stud Tenterfield NSW.

Benelkay Lifeline 1570 (P)

2010 Watasanta Sale: Benelkay once again topping this sale where  21, Bulls averaged $5,740,with a top of $26,000 for Benelkay Lifeline (P) selling to David & Grahame Greenup “Rosevale Stud” Jandowae QLD, our second top price bull was Benelkay Lomu (P) sold to Ian Walker “Strathmore“ Santa Gertrudis Stud QLD for $11,500.

Benelkay Kluger 1380 (P)

2009 Watasanta Inaugural Sale: Benelkay topping this sale where 19, Bulls averaged $5,815, with a top of $17,500 for Benelkay Kluger (P) sold to David & Grahame Greenup” Rosevale Stud” Jandowae QLD, second top price bull Benelkay Kearns (P) sold for $17,000 to John Hanson” Derrawee” Weetaliba.

Bullamakinka H82 (PS)

Bullamakinka H82 (PS)

One of the standout bulls sold in the Bullamakinka bull sale draft in 2013. He impressed us with his sire appeal, high bos-indicus content, fine dark tropical skin, poll genetics, frame and
softness. We had been waiting for a quality poll sire by Canowindra Gold Edition, and as an extra he was from a very well bread cow line. Gold Edition has been a standout sire in the Santa Breed and has produced many sale topping sale bulls producing over 350 calves by natural service. H82’s dam Kelly Wallah X77 (P), has produced consistently and at 13 yrs has produced 11 calves,
including five sale bulls. She is a granddaughter of the consistent Kelly Wallah 770 (P) cow line. 770 had 13 calves with many going on to breed well within other studs. H82’s progeny have been equally as impressive with his first sons being sold at auction in 2016.

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Warenda Furlong F4 (P)

Warenda Furlong F4 (P) Crop

A quiet achiever in our herd, purchased at the 2012 Santa Central Sale. Furlong was selected to pick up the Warenda Mexico (P) bloodlines that have been very successful for Warenda. He carries a very dark red skin type and is a well balanced bull with a very tidy underline plus a wonderful quite temperament which he is passing on to his progeny. Furlongs dam has had nine calves with five classifying, her top son sold for $42,000. Grand dam, Jemma was a successful show heifer/cow. Eight calves with six classifying, with four daughters retained in the Warenda stud herd.

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Dangarfield Upkeep U072 (PS)

polled santa gertrudis cattle

Son of Upkeep

Benelkay JawDropper J142 (P)

A young sire with a great temperament, soft easy doing with plenty of length and depth through the flank.  Purchased late in the catalogue as a younger bull he has produced exceptional
progeny. His sire Kolodong Arnold (AI) (P) was top priced bull when purchased for $19,000 in Tamworth. Arnold has produced plenty of high priced poll sires with good natures and easy
finishers for Dangarfield over the years.  We have admired these, so we were keen to purchase one of his sons. Upkeep (PS) has not let us down and has quickly developed a strong set of EBV’S to back his performance. Thickset progeny with great carcass and placid natures with good
fertility are this sire’s standout qualities. Unfortunately we have only two seasons of his progeny as we have lost the bull due to injury during the drought.

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